Thursday, August 30, 2012

Check out the Grade 9 Math (Transitional) Course Outline below:

Grade 9 Math 10T (Transitional)

Grade 9 Transitional Mathematics is a program designed to provide transitional support for students who may have struggled to learn mathematics in middle years. The course is designed for delivery prior to Grade 9 Mathematics 10F to reinforce skills required to develop further understanding in mathematics. The guiding principles of the course include the language, skill, process, and concept development necessary for the transition into Grade 9 Mathematics 10F and beyond.

Topics of Study: 

Module 1: Games and Numbers
Module 2: Basic Math Skills
Module 3: Percents
Module 4: Fractions
Module 5: Integers
Module 6: Algebra and Simplifying Expressions
Module 7: Trigonometry


Entrance Quizzes 10%
Class work (includes projects) and Homework 30%
Unit Tests 30%
Final Exam 30%


Students are expected to be on time and prepared to work. If late, a student will have to wait till after the Entrance Quiz is complete before entering. Missed Entrance Quizzes must be completed at the following Lunch Hour. If you have been absent, you are expected to check the class Blog to see what you missed. Students, who have missed, will write their Entrance Quiz at the 1st Lunch Hour back at school. Students should check the class website for homework information and links to useful Math Sites.

Students are expected to take notes and ask for clarification during class. Entrance Quizzes will be based on previously covered material and previous nights homework. Extra help is available at lunch. If you are stuck or need to communicate with me, my email is . This is also a good place for your parents to contact me.

School rules and class rules are as follows:

No hats in the classroom. Leave them in your locker or bag.
No cellphones or ipods. (Keep them out of sight, as I will confiscate them if I see them.
No food or drink - other than water (without my approval)

Students should bring the following to class with them:

A notebook or Binder
Graph Paper
A Geometry Set (Ruler, Protractor, Compass) when needed
Materials for writing (Pen, Pencil and eraser)
Calculators: Students are required to have a Scientific Calculator

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